An Opportunity to Make a Difference
An Opportunity to Make a Difference in the Middle East
We can no longer afford... wait for states and governments to achieve a lasting settlement of their conflicts on their own.
Responsibility lies equally with private citizens, who together are the beneficiaries of peace and the victims of its absence, to participate in peacebuilding and peacemaking.
Responsibility lies especially with those who live at peace to contribute to other societies that desperately need it.
Click to read about Dr. Shai Har‑El's personal journey into the heart of Islam in search of a common ground and possible Jewish-Muslim reconciliation..
Click to read Dr. Shai Har‑El's new approach to Middle East peace by adding a non-governmental peacebuilding component to the peace efforts.
Invitation for Action
If you pray that Israelis and Palestinians achieve a peaceful end to their long-standing conflict …
If you wish, regardless of your personal political views, to see the peoples of the Middle East enjoy the blessings of peace...
If you feel the goal of peace is the right and responsibility of every citizen, not only of governments…
If you adopt the popular motto “Let there be peace, and let it begin with me” into your daily life…
If you say “no” to complacency and passivity and want to make a difference in the lives of others…
If you agree that peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding...
If you believe that we all need to battle for peace as fiercely as we have waged war…
If you want to personally participate in formulating and furthering a new strategy for Middle East peace…
If you are interested in discovering what the Middle East Peace Network (MEPN) is all about and how we can make a difference together,

An independent, nonpartisan,
nonprofit, catalyst for action
in the battle for peace
in the Middle East.